Monday, March 15, 2010

If you want to get pregnant...

hang out with me!  EVERYONE I know is pregnant!!!! I swear, I don't say that lightly.  People who have been trying for a long time are finally pregnant.  People who weren't trying, are pregnant.  People who say they were using birth control, are pregnant.

Make me think...when is it my time???  Seriously??


  1. Found your blog on the ICLW list. I can so relate to the feelings you are having. We had a similar result on IVF #1 and it was so awful. It is utterly devastating to have a miscarriage, but knowing that you can't just "try again next month," and you have to do IVF to even get pregnant in the first place is almost too much to bear. At least it was for me. My husband I are in the processing of international adoption, but I'm still a bitter infertile. I'm not sure that will ever change.

    Best wishes. Take care.

  2. I also found you blog on the ICLW list. While I have not done an IVF cycle, I totally feel your pain with those you know being pregnant. I feel like I am in the same boat. My solution to keep sane? I have a lot of "older" friends--those either outside their childbearing years, or else have little to no chances of becoming pregnant. That way, I also get to avoid as many uncomfortable invites to baby showers! (I'm sorry--I'm not always this cynical.) I look forward to "getting to know you" via your blog. Best of luck to you!

  3. I so used to feel that way is so hard.

    My best friend is 10 years older than me...she had a 10 year old when we became friends 11 years made life so much easier on me. Truly.


    ICLW #29

  4. Hi. Here from ICLW and visiting your blog for the first time. I know exactly how you feel (see my Hallmark Reject from a couple of days ago - I was stuck in a whole elevator of pregnant women!). I feel like I've been trying so long that people are on to their third child already - and yes most of those who have struggled are now finally pregnant too. I hope the time is soon - for both os us! - to get and stay! pregnant!


  5. Waiting SUCKS! I hope it is your turn really soon. Good luck.

    ~ICLW #31

  6. They say if you "hang" with pregnant women and hold babies, you'll get knocked up. Thats how David Bowies wife Iman got pregnant, apparently!

    Hoping it's your time soon!


  7. Been that girl...UGH sucks SO.MUCH. Especially when they don't understand why you hurt so much.
    Your time is coming!

  8. I know what you mean, everyone I know seems to be pregnant. I know the waiting for your turn is so hard but one of these days it will be! Have faith!


  9. I feel the same way, everyone gets pregnant but me :( ((HUGS))

    It's so frustrating when my family and friends just breathe on each other and we have to do IVF.


  10. I totally feel the same way as sucks! It's like going through IF makes you a good luck charm for everyone else.


  11. I hear ya! I feel the same way! Hope you have your turn soon!

    ICLW #28

  12. Here from ICLW I absolutely get where you're coming from and yes, it does totally suck. I'm so sorry you had a miscarriage after already going through all this hard stuff. Hope your turn comes soon.

  13. I feel the same way. Hoping that it's your time soon.

    ICLW #33

  14. I know that exact feeling. So sorry that it seems like this right now. For the longest time, I had this balloons popping thing on my blog because it seemed like it always happened in bunches just like you rarely hear just one balloon pop. Hoping it's your turn soon!!


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