Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All Day Long...

I work in a small office. My coworker is pregnant and my other coworker is newly married and I’m pretty sure wants to be pregnant. Their desks are by each other. So, ALL they talk about is pregnancy. I get to overhear the daily health update, how much she's eating, how hot she is, how badly she's sleeping, how different this pregnancy is from her last. (all day long) It’s so hard to hear!!

Some days I can void it out, but other days like today when she's telling her birth story for the millionth time, I just can't take it.

I have my Pandora radio on...with headphones in! I just hope I don't get any phone calls so I can stay in my little bubble.


  1. Makes you wonder how they're getting any work done with all that talkin?? I say crank up Pandora and start singing out loud!

  2. I am so sorry you have to listen to that. I have a girl in my office that laughs like a hyenna and loudly for that matter and I must wear headphones 9 hours a day or I will go crazy. I think the only thing more annoying would be two girls talking pregnancy all the time. Do either of them know about your situation?

  3. Ugh. I know how you feel. I try to steer clear of the preggos in my office.

  4. that would be hard to deal with. Keep up with the Pandora. Sometimes it seems like there is no escaping it. I'm sending quiet phone vibes your way.

  5. Ugh! I'm so sorry! Headphones are an excellent idea.


  6. turn up the music and try not to hear em. so sorry you have to hear that stuff, its hard man i know. happy iclw.

  7. I think you need to start talking about wine tasting really loud, bars and hot tubs. Hang in there. Great blog, can't wait to read more. I'm your newest follower from IComLeavWe.


  8. I feel you. I have a co-worker who just came back from maternity leave. It's been all baby, all the time!


  9. Hi - here from ICLW list & thought I'd come over because of our similar blog names! I like yours!

    Sorry about the pregnant women in your office. So frustrating. Why can't they be more sensitive???

    Hugs to you!

  10. Headphones are magic in offices. Do you have any really, really great shoes that someone pregnant/with children could never have that you could wear to work? ;-) Or go away for a spontaneous weekend! (Or if that's too much hassle, just tell them you did.)

  11. UGH. This is just awful. I'm so sorry you have to endure this on a daily basis. (((HUGS)))


  12. I am so sorry you have to sit through this all day. I hope your Pandora stations are all empowering kick-ass-takin-names type music!

    Happy ICLW!
    ~Miriam (ICLW #34)
    Hannah Wept, Sarah Laughed

  13. Escape is the answer! Hang in there and enjoy the music!

    Visiting from ICLW

  14. Hi there- thanks for the comment over at my blog. I look forward to following you too :)

  15. It's times like these that I'm thankful I work with 95% men - who really don't bring up pregnancy at all. They have no reason to.

    ICLW #119

  16. That's got to be so difficult. I have struggled recently with a coworker who adopted and every conversation for the past 4 months has included something about the adoption, the changes, the pictures coming in, the this, the that... I'm so happy for them, and even though I am finally pregnant, it's still tough to hear all day, every day.

    Wishing you lots of luck in getting through it and hoping that you will be joining her soon!

    happy iclw


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