Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome ICLWers!

For those new to ICLW, it stands for International Comment Leaving Week. It's a week dedicated to honoring and encouraging commenting on fellow bloggers' blogs. It's a great time to find new blogs and make new friends. If you are not already part of ICLW, make sure to contact Mel to be included in future ICLWs.

For those visiting here for the first time, welcome!

This blog was created as an outlet for me to express my fears, heartbreak and joy. We’ve been through 2 failed IUIs and one unsuccessful IVF. You can read more about our story here. We are kind of limbo right now deciding what our next step is.

So stick around and see how it all plays out. I'd love to hear from you and read about your story too. Have a great week commenting!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stopping by via ICLW~Wishing you all the best on your journey!!
    I have been through 4 transfers and 2 IUIs, if you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to email me.

  3. Hi there, I just read your story and I am sorry for all you have been through. It sucks that you guys have to pay for treatments on your own, I imagine it only adds to the stress. Unfortunately it seems like IVF doesn't always work the first time. Any chance you will do another round? Good luck!

  4. Hi, I know we are blog pals, but Happy ICLW! I can really relate to your story, after the 4 years DH and I have been trying. I hope neither one of us makes it to 5 years and there are answers in our near future!

  5. Hello from ICLW. We are heading into our first IVF. It's our only option. MFI.

    Hope your plans fall into place soon. Best wishes.



I love love love comments...thanks for stopping by! :)