Thursday, April 1, 2010

Emotionally Ready

We're on a break of the baby making business.  We have been since our unsuccessful IVF cycle.  We're not meeting with our doctor.  We're not taking any medicine.  

I'm not ready to start the process again.  We're taking time off.  As much as I'm ready to be pregnant and have a baby, I'm not emotionally ready to start the process again.  Any advice on how to get emotionally ready?  Does it just come or will we need to just bite the bullet and try again? 


  1. I wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I found your blog on ICLW. I am sorry for your unsuccessful cycle. In answer to your question, from the women I talk to it seems they take breaks whether it be to travel, live a normal life, gather themselves, rethink the situtation, etc. and then all of a sudden they come to a decision. I think clarity comes at the most unexpected times. I have one friend that decided to travel to Thailand and put IVF on hold until her return refusing to waste her life in the mean time with her husband. I hope you find peace in the meantime and reach a point where you are emotionally ready for whatever you decide is your next course.

  2. Hi! I'm also a fellow ICLW member. All I can say is it takes time - It took me 18 months to get the guts to see a FS again after my first failed IVF. I had to work through a lot of issues in that time, the first few months were the worst. I was definitely depressed and I even had some suicidal thoughts. I cried all day, every day. But I can say it gets better, and one day you will be able to think of doing IVF again. We treated ourselves to a wonderful island holiday, we needed to spend some money on treating ourselves, and not just spend it all on fertility treatments. I must say that I did turn to God for help during this time and that's all that carried me through to today. Glory to our almighty God!


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